ICSI in Dubai: An advanced procedure for achieving fertilisation

In-vitro fertilisation, or simply IVF, is an assisted reproduction treatment involving the collection of eggs from the woman, after the ovaries have been hormonally stimulated. The eggs are fertilised in a laboratory with sperm from the husband.

In some cases, such as when there is a sperm problem, IVF is performed together with IntraCytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to further improve the chances of conceiving. In ICSI, each egg is directly injected with a single sperm under microscopic control.

How is ICSI performed?

An IVF-ICSI procedure includes several steps that may vary per patient, according to the prescribed treatment plan. Our process in the UAE commonly involves:

  • Use of hormone injections to stimulate the ovaries for around 10-12 days. Observation of medication types and doses, with accompanying regular scans and blood tests, is performed during this period.
  • On the last day of ovarian stimulation, an hCG injection will be administered to mature the eggs. It is usually done 36 hours before the eggs are collected.
  • Sedation or mild general anaesthetic can be administered for egg collection, as well as sperm collection.
  • Insemination is typically conducted on the same day of the collection.
  • Transfer of the embryo is performed 2-5 days following the day of the collection; it depends on the quality and number of the embryos.
  • A blood test to determine pregnancy is performed 14 days after egg collection.

The advantages of going for ICSI in the UAE

ICSI is designed to make fertilisation more effective, thus improving success rates. For couples who have trouble conceiving for unknown reasons, this procedure can also be a possible option.

IUI in Dubai: A proven method of improving fertility

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a procedure where washed concentrated sperm – the individual sperms taken from the semen – is inseminated in the uterus using a catheter, near the time of ovulation. The procedure may require minimal medication in order to stimulate the ovaries and condition the uterus for insemination.

Couples who are experiencing unexplained infertility, or mild factors hindering natural conception, may opt for IUI. In suitable cases, the procedure can yield high success rates, with four to six cycles recommended. Additionally, it causes less stress and is more affordable than IVF. However, it generally does have a lower success rate compared with IVF treatment.

Our in-house process for IUI in Dubai

The steps included in IUI may vary on a case-to-case basis, but normally involve:

  • A blood test and ultrasound during the early stages of the menstrual cycle
  • Possible prescription of medication that stimulates the ovaries
  • 1-2 scans to determine the readiness of the follicles
  • An hCG injection that will be administered approximately 40 hours prior to the insemination
  • Collection of semen sample, preparation of the sample in the laboratory, and implantation inside the uterus via a fine catheter

Advantages of choosing IUI

Opting for IUI has numerous advantages, and the results often vary depending on the frequency and regularity of the treatment.

  • Success rate could reach as high as 20 per cent per cycle. Success rates may be higher or lower depending on a variety of factors, such as the age of the female partner, the particular reason behind the struggle with fertility, and the kind of fertility medications used, among others
  • Less invasive while being more affordable
  • Treatment takes a short period of time
  • Does not affect daily routine

Virtually painless, does not require the use of anaesthesia