We are offering a wide range of different days and times for you to view the maternity services here at Mediclinc Parkview Hospital in preparation for your journey to parenthood. Please note prior booking is required.
To book your maternity tour please email your name, mobile number, due date, and the name of your doctor if you are currently under the care of an OB/GYN to either our maternity coordinator, Yve McCarthy yve.mccarthy@mediclinic.ae or MPAR-maternity@mediclinic.ae.
Maximum capacity per tour: 6 couples.
The tour will begin on sixth floor-labour and delivery- using the lobby B lifts. We will visit the labour room, postnatal room, NICU and VIP floors.
For those who would prefer a virtual experience please see the virtual tour below.
If you have any further queries regarding pregnancy and maternity services, please email our maternity coordinator yve.mccarthy@mediclinc.ae or MPAR-maternity@mediclinic.ae. For urgent queries and concerns, call our maternity hotline, available 24/7 -056 409 2331.