Mediclinic International is aware of a fake social media post that is being circulated requesting users to engage with a Medical Feedback Reward Survey. Mediclinic has not circulated any such survey. The social media post has not been published by Mediclinic. Mediclinic advises that people do not engage with the survey or respond. We release all our official communications on our website and our official social media channels.
Preventative medicine, health promotion and cancer screening
Travel medicine
Ear, nose, throat and eye complaints
Heart condition-
Gastrointestinal symptoms and joint pains
Headaches and dizziness (neurology)
Allergy, rashes and common skin lesions
Sexually transmitted disease
Obesity Management
6 years’ experience working as family physician in MOHAP/UAE. 5 years’ experience working in Respiratory clinic and NCD clinic.
Dr. Shaza Mohammed is a family medicine specialist with a Masters Degree in Respiratory Medicine from the University of South Wales in the UK. She was a clinical advisor with the Royal College of General Practitioners, UK.
Dr. Mohammed is an adjunct faculty and examiner in Community and Family Medicine Department in the Sharjah University Hospital. She is a member of the Emirates Medical Association, the American Academy of Family Physicians and the Egyptian Medical Syndicate.
Dr. Shaza Mohammed treats patients for a variety of acute and chronic conditions. She is an expert at asthma diagnosis and management, COPD diagnosis, and smoking cessations programmes. She administers immunisations and vaccinations. Dr Mohammed treats patients for hypertension, basic skin conditions, anxiety and depression, child health, and evidence-based medicine. She performs pap smear tests and minor procedures in the clinic.
Dr. Mohammed enjoys reading, sports and art in her leisure time. She is fluent in Arabic and English.
Infection Control Diploma
Master’s in respiratory medicine
SCOPE certified