Mediclinic International is aware of a fake social media post that is being circulated requesting users to engage with a Medical Feedback Reward Survey. Mediclinic has not circulated any such survey. The social media post has not been published by Mediclinic. Mediclinic advises that people do not engage with the survey or respond. We release all our official communications on our website and our official social media channels.
Preventative medicine, health promotion and cancer screening
Travel medicine
Ear, nose, throat and eye complaints
Heart condition
Gastrointestinal symptomsb and joint pains
Headaches and dizziness (neurology)
Allergy, rashes and common skin lesions
Dr. Karmen Long is a UK trained doctor and consultant in Family Medicine. She earned her Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery degree from the University of Aberdeen and acquired her Family Medicine specialist training in Scotland. Dr. Karmen has extensive experience managing patients of different ethnicity and nationality as she has worked in the UK, Mozambique, Taiwan and Malaysia. Dr. Karmen believes that being a family doctor means caring for the patient in every aspect (physical and mental wellbeing) and her role is to guide patients to the right healthcare pathway and treatment they deserve. Dr. Karmen is an advocate of lifestyle medicine and preventative medicine. She is a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners (UK), and also has a special interest in Geriatric Medicine with Diploma in Geriatric Medicine (DGM).