A facial peel is a cosmetic chemical treatment that helps lessen the appearance of freckles, blemishes, age spots, light scarring and any irregularities on the face. It can also improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and give new life to sun-damaged skin.

Peels are available at various depths depending on your desired outcome, working underneath the skin to achieve amazing results.

Your skin will feel smoother and softer after the first treatment and will gradually improve as new skin cells form.

Facial peels improve skin texture for the softer and smoother complexion of younger, healthier looking skin.

At Mediclinic Dubai Mall, we offer the below peels:

Glycolic peels – These mild formula peels are great for women with dull skin, fine lines and wrinkles, freckles and blemishes who wish to achieve brighter-looking, smoother skin.

You will notice results after one peel, but for best results, you'll need a series of three to six peels over a period of time.

TCA peels – These are deeper, stronger peels and a course can improve surface wrinkles and blemishes.  TCA Peels penetrate deeper than the glycolic or salicylic acid peels making them a good choice for women with acne-scarring or pigmentation issues. The TCA peels will likely cause redness for a few days after use. You'll want to stay out of the sun for a few months after your treatment to protect your new top skin layers.

Cosmo peel - Cosmo peel is a chemical peel that focuses on restoration of smoker’s complexion, wrinkles and pigmentation disorders. By soothing and improving texture and tone, the Cosmo peel reduces signs of aging, stimulate collagen and elastin production and reduces the appearance of acne and pigment spots.

Mela peel - This treatment reduces melasma and pigment spots, promotes an even complexion and improves skin radiance and brightness. Pigmentation on all skin colours is one of the biggest concerns that we treat. The Mela peel directly targets and treat skins suffering from melasma, post-inflammatory pigmentation and any pigment spots.