Supportive and palliative care is an important part of the multi-disciplinary care that we provide to our patients who have a diagnosis of advanced cancer.

We actively contribute to discussions about your treatment and will provide a full assessment and management of the symptoms you might experience from the cancer and/or its treatment.

Opening Times: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

What makes our palliative care team different?

We provide the only integrated supportive and palliative care service for cancer patients in Dubai. We are situated within the oncology service, providing open and rapid access for patients in the outpatient setting and while having chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

We actively support patients who require hospital admission due to the complications of cancer or its treatment.

What is palliative care?

Supportive and palliative care is an approach that focuses on improving the quality of life of patients with serious illness. Palliative care doctors and nurses are specially trained to assess physical and psychological symptoms and to provide ways of managing these symptoms. Open and honest communication is a key part of palliative care provision, enabling patients and their families to understand their illness and to make decisions about their future care.

When is palliative care used?

Palliative care is available at any stage of an advanced cancer diagnosis, supporting decision making, optimising symptoms associated with cancer or its treatment and providing care at the end of life. Palliative care can be given alongside active cancer treatment. You might be referred to palliative care by your treating oncologist, or you can request an appointment without referral.

What symptoms can the palliative care team treat?

Physical symptoms such as pain, nausea, constipation, poor appetite and breathlessness.

Psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression and insomnia.