Tips for managing morning sickness:

  • Eat a few crackers upon waking up, then rest for 15 minutes before getting out of bed
  • Get up slowly and do not lie down after eating
  • Eat small frequent meals and snacks e.g. every two hours
  • Separate fluids from meals
  • Sip on fluids frequently throughout the day
  • Salty dry foods may help settle the stomach e.g. salted crackers, potato chips, pretzels
  • If cooking odours bother you, try eating cold food instead of hot, opening windows, turn on stove fan or ask someone else to prepare the meals
  • You may want to avoid spicy, fatty or fried foods because of the smell
  • Sniffing lemons or ginger may help relieve an upset stomach
  • Ginger, up to 250mg four times per day, appears to be safe and may help settle the stomach
  • If prenatal vitamins worsen nausea, try one with lower Iron with food or just before bed, or take folic acid alone daily
  • These tips may help you to cope with nausea and vomiting, but if your symptoms persist or become more severe, make sure to speak to your doctor or dietician.

Tips for managing reflux:

  • Eat small frequent meals throughout the day. Avoid overeating
  • Spread your fluids throughout the days, and avoid taking large amount of fluids with your meal
  • Avoid spicy foods, such as curries, hot sauces and any other heavily spiced dishes
  • Avoid fatty meals, such as fried foods, oily curries, creamy sauces and dishes loaded with cheese
  • Avoid acidic foods, such as citrus fruits and citrus juices, pineapple and pineapple juice, tomatoes, vinegar and carbonated drinks
  • Avoid carbonated drinks. This includes all soft drinks, as well as sparkling water
  • Exchange caffeine-containing drinks with caffeine-free drinks. Caffeine-free alternatives include decaffeinated coffee, herbal teas and low-fat milk
  • Avoid chewing gum. Chewing gum increases acid production in the stomach, which may worsen reflux

Tips for when you are experiencing constipation:

  • Drink plenty of fluids to help movement through your digestive tract. You need at least eight glasses of water per day
  • Exercise regularly (unless advised by your doctor not to exercise). Take walks daily - even a 30 minute walk each day can make a difference
  • Include high-fibre foods such as whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, oats), fresh or cooked vegetables, fresh fruit with the skins, dried fruits, nuts, seeds and legumes (dried peas/dhal, beans, soy and lentils)

Physical Activity

Unless your doctor advises you not to be physically active, include 150 minutes each week of physical activity such as brisk walking, dancing or swimming. The activity should be done at least 10 minutes at a time, and preferably spread throughout the week. Avoid activities with a high risk of falling or injury.