Your child is now fully developed and can be born at any time. Your doctor will now (Week 37+0) begin to talk about a full-term birth.

If you are scheduled to undergo a caesarean birth, it will take place at the end of this week at the earliest. However, if there are no good reasons to do do, most women will wait until the beginning of the 40th week of pregnancy.

The placenta now has a diameter of approx. 20 cm, is 3 cm thick and 500 g heavy; it is producing hormones which prepare your breasts for nursing. 80 l blood flows through the placenta daily. Your circulation is working flat out for this reason, so this is why you may be suffering from hot flushes more frequently.

During weeks 33-37 of pregnancy your baby is about the size of a honeydew melon.

Baby Entwicklung Schwangerschaftswoche Honigmelone 19