Mediclinic City Hospital offers free Maternity tours for parents-to-be who are interested in delivering their baby at the hospital. These tours take place on Wednesday (11 AM), every alternate Saturday combined with the Antenatal Class & Sundays (11 AM or 4 PM)

Please note:

  • Maternity tours are by appointment only
  • Slots will be  booked according to availability and your convenience
  • Tours will be three couples maximum per group to adhere to COVID regulations
  • Couples will be given instructions on where to meet and safety rules when bookings are confirmed
  • Tours will include labour rooms and triage facility, meeting midwives and receiving information packs. Due to Covid restrictions, postnatal rooms, NICU and the operating theatre will not be available for viewing.   

If you wish to visit our facility , please send an email with your preferred date and time to