Our Lactation consultants are offering complimentary video sessions to answer any breastfeeding related queries, please write to MCH.Lactation@mediclinic.ae to book your private session.

If you have any further queries , please write to MCME-MCITMaternityUnitWardClerks@mediclinic.ae

We are now introducing a virtual Question and Answer session with our Lactation Consultant every Monday from 11 am-12 pm. This session is open for all pregnant and new mothers. To book your session, please register by emailing mch.lactation@mediclinic.ae with the below details:

  • Your name
  • Your doctor’s name
  • If pregnant, how many weeks of pregnancy
  • If delivered, how old is your baby
  • Queries that you want us to address

Please do review the materials and videos here before the session.