Hand surgery treatment at Mediclinic City Hospital encompasses a broad spectrum of medical interventions aimed at addressing a variety of conditions affecting the hand, wrist and forearm. These conditions can arise from traumatic injuries, congenital abnormalities, degenerative diseases, nerve compressions and other underlying factors. Hand surgeons, who are typically orthopaedic or plastic surgeons with specialised training, employ a combination of surgical and non-surgical techniques to provide comprehensive care and restore optimal function and aesthetics to the hand.

Evaluation and Diagnosis:

The treatment process begins with a thorough evaluation and accurate diagnosis. Hand surgeons conduct physical examinations, review medical history, and may utilise imaging techniques like x-rays, MRI scans, and ultrasound to assess the extent of the issue. This comprehensive evaluation helps determine the most suitable treatment approach for each individual.

Non-Surgical Interventions:

Not all hand conditions require surgery. Hand surgeons often explore non-surgical options such as medication, splinting, physical therapy and injections. Medications can help manage pain and inflammation, while splints provide support and immobilisation for healing. Physical therapy aids in restoring strength and mobility, and injections (such as corticosteroids) can alleviate pain and reduce inflammation.

Surgical Interventions:

When non-surgical methods are insufficient or inappropriate, surgical interventions become necessary. Hand surgeons perform various procedures tailored to the specific condition. Some common surgical treatments include:

1. Fracture Fixation: In the case of fractures, surgery may involve realigning and stabilising broken bones using screws, pins, plates, or wires.

2. Tendon and Ligament Repair: Surgery may be required to repair or reconstruct damaged tendons or ligaments, often involving intricate techniques to suture or reattach them to their original positions.

3. Nerve Compression Release: Conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome may require surgical release of the compressed nerve to alleviate pain and restore sensation.

4. Microsurgery: In cases of severe trauma or amputation, microsurgery techniques are employed to reconnect nerves, blood vessels and tissues with microscopic precision, enabling functional restoration.

5. Joint Reconstruction: Arthritis or joint deformities can be treated through joint reconstruction or replacement surgeries to improve joint function and reduce pain.

6. Congenital Anomalies Correction: Hand surgeons correct congenital hand abnormalities through surgical procedures that enhance both function and aesthetics.

Post-Surgery Rehabilitation:

Rehabilitation is a crucial aspect of hand surgery treatment. After surgery, patients work with occupational therapists to regain strength, flexibility and fine motor skills. Therapists develop customised plans to optimise recovery and help patients return to their daily activities.

Collaborative Approach:

Hand surgery often involves collaboration between various medical professionals, including orthopaedic and plastic surgeons, hand therapists, radiologists and anesthesiologists. This multidisciplinary approach ensures comprehensive care and the best possible outcomes for patients.

In conclusion, hand surgery treatment combines a range of medical techniques to address diverse conditions affecting the hand and wrist. From non-surgical interventions to complex surgical procedures, the goal is to restore optimal function, relieve pain, and improve the overall quality of life for patients. Rehabilitation and a collaborative approach contribute to successful outcomes in the field of hand surgery.