Joints are connections between two or more bones that enable different kinds of movement. But did you know that there are true joints and so-called ‘false’ joints?

True joints have a space between the ends of the bones. This joint space is located in a joint cavity, which is surrounded by a joint capsule. The ends of the bones are covered in articular cartilage and ligaments help to guide the movements of the joint. True joints give us mobility.

False joints, in contrast, tend to be stiff and provide stability. So they are built differently to true joints:

  • Some are fibrous joints, such as the connection between the shin bone and the calf bone, which are joined by a dense connective tissue.
  • The spinal discs are an example of cartilaginous joints. As the name suggests, these joints are joined by various types of cartilage tissue.
  • And bony joints are joints like the sacrum and the coccyx (tailbone) – these two vertebrae are actually fused together

What is joint replacement surgery?

Joint replacement surgery is the procedure where a damaged or diseases joint is removed and replaced with the new prosthesis. Shoulder, knee, hip, ankle and finger joints where commonly joint replacement procedures are performed.

When joint replacement surgery is required?

Joint replacement surgery is one of the last line of treatment when all other treatment options such as physical therapy and medication, have been exhausted. Joint pain, joint deformation and movement restriction issues are effectively corrected through joint replacement surgery.  

Who benefits from joint replacement surgery?

Joint replacement surgery is often recommended to patients who are suffering from severe joint pain/ stiffness, swelling/ inflammation, muscles weakness, and restriction movement. Because of these conditions, patients are not able to perform their daily activities such as walking, taking stairs, putting on shoes etc.

Globally more than 30 million people are affected by osteoarthritis which is one of the reason of joint degeneration. Other conditions such as trauma, fracture related to osteoarthritis also leads to joint replacement.

What are type joint replacement are performed?

Following are the joint replacement surgeries that are performed: