Mediclinic Orthotic Services is the market leader in custom orthotic programmes in the region. Adults and children presenting a wide range of clinical conditions including arthritis, polio, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, spinal injuries, muscular dystrophy, CMT and congenital abnormalities have attained optimal levels of functionality through our cutting edge orthotic solutions.

For a professional consultation please contact Mediclinic Orthotic Services on 04 555 9122 / 056 226 7104 or email

Adult Orthotics

Orthotic intervention is common practice for post-stroke recovery and in other forms of trauma-related rehabilitation. Adult patients can be assured that they will receive the correct appliance to enablethe most active recovery, and the necessary follow-up care to ensure that their orthotic programme matches their recovery goals. In tandem, long term orthotic wearers will receive unsurpassed care, and be fitted the exact orthotic requirements to suite their lifestyles and functional needs.

Paediatric Orthotics

The Mediclinic paediatric orthotic programme is tailored to paediatric patients ranging from infant up to age 18. The programme encompasses a full range of services from preventative sports orthotics for young athletes to specialty orthosis for chronic conditions and diseases as well as contracture and spasticity management. Mediclinic Orthotic Services enjoys collaboration with all the leading paediatric rehabilitation facilities and schools in Dubai providing in-house care to this special patient population.

Knee Braces and Unicompartmental Osteoarthritis

Mediclinic orthotists will evaluate and provide the correct knee brace to improve your performance provide protection or relieve pain in your knee. In addition to leading active braces, we are able to manufacture the highest quality custom-made knee braces. This is specifically important in knee OA management, where a custom off loading knee brace dramatically improves life quality. All patients referred with knee-related issues undergo a full biomechanical lower limb assessment. This includes a comprehensive foot posture assessment. Research indicates a correlation between correct foot posture and improved biomechanics of the knee. For more information please review our leading MASS foot orthotic programmes.

Unicompartmental osteoarthritis of the knee is one of the most common forms of arthritis, affecting millions of people. Osteoarthritis, which is the degeneration of either the medial or lateral compartment of the knee, can result from an injury to the knee that occurred earlier in life or it may be genetic. While there is no cure for osteoarthritis the symptoms that include pain, swelling and stiffening of the knee, can be decreased in a variety of ways. The Mediclinic Orthotic department, our referral partners and patients have found great success with more advanced custom off loading knee braces. A custom osteoarthritis knee brace is more effective prefab or neoprene braces. It is designed to apply a combination of forces to certain areas of the knee increasing joint space and alleviating pain. Patients wearing these specialised braces versus a neoprene sleeve have seen great results, and are able to improve their activity levels. This in turn greatly helps the overall management programme, with the improved muscle strength that follows.

Upper Limb Orthotics

Upper extremity orthotics include orthoses, braces and supports designed for the shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist and hand, and can be used for a range of needs from stability to immobilisation. Mediclinic orthotic services provide three main types of orthoses:

  • Upper extremity soft and off the shelf supports: Often referred to as soft goods, these orthoses include those braces that are fabricated/manufactured from neoprene, canvas, and fabric and can be reinforced with metal/plastic stays for additional support.
  • Upper extremity positional and dynamic supports: These orthoses are designed to position the upper extremity, including wrist, arm and shoulder, so as to prevent unwanted contractures, maintain proper alignment, and to provide controlled range of motion during physical and occupational therapy.
  • Fracture orthoses: The type of the fracture and the location determines what type of orthosis is appropriate. If the fracture site is near a joint it is often common to stabilize above and below the affected area to reduce unwanted motion at the fracture site.

Saebo Orthotics for Neurological Impairments

These groundbreaking products include the SaeboFlex, SaeboReach and the Saebo Stretch, allowing patients with very little residual arm and hand function to immediately begin performing task-orientated grasp and release activities, thereby forging new pathways in the brain.

What is the SaeboFlex

The SaeboFlex allows individuals suffering from neurological impairments such as stroke, the ability to incorporate their hand functionally in therapy and at home by supporting the weakened wrist, hand and fingers. The SaeboFlex is a custom fabricated orthosis that is non-electrically based and purely mechanical. The SaeboFlex positions the wrist and fingers into extension in preparation for functional activities. The user is able to grasp an object by voluntarily flexing his or her fingers. The extension spring system assists in re-opening the hand to release the object.

Saebo’s pioneering treatment principles are based on the latest advances in neuro rehabilitation research documenting the brain’s ability to “re-program” itself through mass practice, task orientated arm training. The SaeboFlex takes advantage of the most recent research by allowing patients to immediately begin using their hand for functional grasp and release activities. Individuals up to 20 years post neurological injury can benefit from the SaeboFlex. In addition, the ability to use the hand in therapy and at home has been reported as extremely motivating during the recovery process.


What is the SaeboReach?

The SaeboReach not only incorporates the affected wrist and hand but also the elbow. The orthosis consists of the SaeboFlex and an above-elbow component. The SaeboReach is ideal for neurologically impaired individuals that have hand and elbow involvement.

The custom fabricated above-elbow cuff, as well as the dynamic elbow extension system, allows patients to incorporate their elbow for functional reach during grasp and release activities. The SaeboReach orthosis, along with repetitive, task orientated activities, is a highly effective strategy for maximising arm and hand recovery.

What is the SaeboStretch?

The SaeboStretch® uses a revolutionary stretch technology, which allows the fingers to move through flexion caused by associated reactions and tone. In addition, it utilises a low-load, long-duration stretch to return the fingers to the desired position. The SaeboStretch overcomes issues which can result from traditional splints including deformity, joint damage, hyper mobility, and contractures. Mediclinic is a certified Saebo provider, and in addition to offering it as part of our inpatient rehabilitations programmes at both Mediclinic City and Welcare Hospitals, we welcome the opportunity to work with external healthcare providers.

Burn Masks

Burn Masks

There are special challenges associated with treating burn patients, especially those with facial burns. Even facial burns that are relatively mild in severity can cause scarring, which may have a significant impact on a person’s self-confidence and wellbeing. Traditionally, preventing excessive scaring included compression garments. Thanks to recent advances in medical technology and materials development, there is now a better option for treating patients with severe facial burns. A custom burn mask is a clear plastic orthosis designed from a model of the patient’s face and fit directly against the skin. The total contact design is used to apply direct pressure over the wound site to help prevent significant build up of collagen fibers and realign them in more normal formations.

Mediclinic provides these specialised orthotic techniques to patients in the UAE. Our Cad /Cam capabilities play an integral role in offering this service.

Fracture Masks

Fracture Masks

As with many of our other services, our Cad /Cam capabilities mean we can supply highly specialised orthotic options. At times, facial fractures require such specialised care. Fracture masks are indicated for stable, maxillofacial fractures including fractures to the Zygomatic bone. Other conditions for which we receive referrals include the orthotic management of nasal fractures, maxillary or mandibular fractures, sports-related facial injuries and post-operative protection.