While experiencing occasional heartburn and acid reflux is normal, symptoms surfacing consistently more than twice a week could be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).  These symptoms may affect patients differently and involve symptoms which vary from mild or moderate to severe.

You may experience any of the typical and atypical symptoms listed below:



GERD Is caused by changes in the gastroesophageal valve (GEV) that allow acid to flow back from the stomach into the esophagus. The GEV is the body’s natural antireflux barrier.

The TIF procedure

Transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF) is an incisionless procedure that treats GERD at its source. This approach uses the EsophyX device to reconstruct an antireflux valve to restore the body’s natural protection against reflux.

By accessing the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) through the mouth, there are no scars, minimising complications and possibly leading to a quicker recovery.

What to expect – BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER the procedure 

BEFORE the procedure



Your physician will determine if you are a candidate by having you undergo diagnostic testing. You will receive instructions on when to stop eating and drinking just prior to the TIF procedure.

The TIF procedure is performed under general anaesthesia and generally takes less than an hour. The EsophyX device and an endoscope are introduced together through your mouth (trans orally) and advanced into the esophagus. With visualisation provided by the endoscope the surgeon uses the EsophyX device to reconstruct and form a new valve.

You may be able to return home the next day and go back to work and resume most normal activities within a few days.  You should expect to experience some discomfort in your stomach, chest , nose and throat for three to seven days after the procedure. While your newly reconstructed valve heals, you will be on a modified diet.

To book an appointment please call 8001999 or download MyMediclinic 24/7 to schedule your own appointment with your physician.