Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina that can cause discharge, itching, and pain. The cause is frequently a vaginal bacteria imbalance or infection. Vaginitis can also result from menopause-induced estrogen deficiency and skin diseases.

The most prevalent kinds of vaginitis are:

Bacterial vaginosis: Overgrowth of vaginal bacteria destroys the normal balance. Grayish-white, foul-smelling discharge may occur

Yeast infections: Candida albicans is typically responsible. Cottage cheese-like discharge may occur.

Trichomoniasis. This is caused by a parasite and is often sexually transmitted. a greenish-yellow, sometimes foamy discharge may occur.

Symptoms of vaginitis can vary depending on the infection and may include

  • Changes in vaginal colour, odour, or discharge
  • Vaginal itching
  • Painful urination
  • Spotty vaginal bleeding

Treatment for vaginal infections may include antibiotics, antiparasitic medications, depending on the infection type. For hormonal changes estrogen might be prescribed to ease symptoms.