The da Vinci Xi HD 4 arm robotic system, one of the most sophisticated surgical technologies on the market, is now available at Mediclinic City Hospital in Dubai.

Da Vinci robotic surgery is a state-of-the-art surgical procedure in which the conventional laparoscopic technique is combined with high precision robotic technology using four robotic arms which are expertly commanded by the surgeon from the surgical console using a 3D high-definition view of the surgical area. Articulated instruments allow the same movement capacity as the human wrist and the tremor filter eliminates any small uncontrollable movement in the surgeon's hands.  Minimally invasive surgery with da Vinci is widely used in general surgery, urology and gynaecology procedures, as well as in several other specialities.

How the da Vinci robotic system works

The da Vinci robotic system is combination of conventional laparoscopic technique and high precision robotic technology.  It uses four robotic arms that are expertly commanded by the surgeon sitting on the console making minute movements inside the body with the help of 3D high definition view for accurate targeting of the surgical area for the procedure. 

The da Vinci robotic system has the same movement capacity as the human wrist. The design gives surgeons a better range of motion and dexterity than the human hand. In addition, the tremor filter eliminates any small uncontrollable movement in the surgeon's hands. All of these features favour a better outcome, involving less blood transfusions, less conversion from minimal invasive to open surgery, in addition to a decrease in the length of stay, and the 30 day complication rate after surgery.

Robotic gynaecological procedures

Robotic gynaecological procedures include surgeries of the female reproductive (sex) organs which includes cervix, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tube, vagina and vulva.

A) Endometriosis resection

Endometriosis is a condition when tissues similar to the uterus lining start growing abnormally outside the uterus. This condition causes intense pain and discomfort to women. In case of severe condition, surgery is considered as viable option. Through the Da Vinci robot, the surgeon can easily remove excess tissues using its capabilities and movement while leaving the other organs intact.

B) Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus that is performed when a patient is suffering from abnormal uterine bleeding, benign or cancerous uterine conditions and prolapse. With the use of the Da Vinci robot, the surgeon can perform a hysterectomy either with small incisions or with one single incision through the belly button. The single site hysterectomy performed with Da Vinci is virtually scarless.

C) Myoma resections

Myoma resection is a removal surgery of fibroids (non-cancerous growth) that have developed on the walls of uterus. Patients with fibroids suffer from heavy periods, abnormal bleeding and severe abdominal pain. With the Da Vinci robotic system, the surgeon can perform myoma resection / myomectomy (removal of fibroids from uterine wall) with small incisions and more precision, keeping the uterus intact.

D) Oophorectomy and ovarian cystectomy

Oophorectomy is the surgical removal of an ovary or ovaries which is performed in case of a benign or malignant ovarian tumour.  Ovarian cystectomy is the removal of a benign cyst from the ovary in order to preserve ovarian function and tissue. The Da Vinci robotic system allows the surgeon to perform oophorectomy, or cystectomy with better visualisation of the anatomy which is critical in performing this surgery around delicate surrounding areas, and also performing surgery on a site which has previously been worked on.

E) Pelvic organ prolapse and female pelvic reconstruction
The prolapse (or misalignment) of pelvic organs (uterus, vagina, cervix, bladder, urethra or rectum) due to weakening of muscles and ligaments. Sacrocolpopexy is one form of correction surgery performed via the Da Vinci robotic system that uses tiny incisions involving complex suturing and dissection made easier with the robot to give a durable support even for women suffering from these devastating conditions. 

F) Severe adhesions

Adhesions are formed in the body after previous surgeries or because of infections involving pelvic and abdominal organs. These adhesions can cause multiple medical problems, including severe pain. The robotic approach with the precise instrumentation, allows the surgeon to navigate through these layers of body tissue, and cut these adhesions with no injury to adjacent organs.

G) Caesarean scar defect repair

Women who have delivered by C-section can have uterine scarring that causes infertility, pain and abnormal bleeding. This results when the uterine incision does not heal properly and forms a pouch in the lower uterine segment filled with fluid and altering normal menstrual bleeding. Robotic surgery can correct the problem, restoring, fertility, reducing pain and abnormal bleeding.