Cervical cancer screening helps detecting abnormal cells and changes in your cervical cells that suggest cancer may develop in the future. Detecting these abnormalities at an early stage is a first step in stopping the possible development of cervical cancer and gives you a greater chance at a cure.

Mediclinic offers cervical cancer screening for everyone eligible for this screening. Cancer screening is always offered to a specific group, based on international research and guidelines per type of cancer.

To check if you are able to proceed with cervical cancer screening, please answer the below questions before making an appointment:

  • Are you female?
  • Are between 25-65 years old?
  • Did you have a Pap smear test in the last 12 months?

If the answer is Yes, Yes, No then you are eligible for screening and you can proceed by making an appointment.

Screening packages rates:

  • Cervical cancer screening - AED 550
    • Consultation at the hospital
    • Routine Pap smear test

Screening selection criteria:

For all woman between the ages of 25 – 29 years old, cervical cancer screening should be offered every three years. Female in the ages of 30 – 65 years old should undergo screening every five years.

  • Women who have had subtotal hysterectomy (preserving the cervix) or hysterectomy due to cervical cancer or precancerous condition should continue to have cervical screening;
  • Screening recommendations remain the same regardless of whether or not they have received the HPV vaccination.

Women are excluded from screening if:

  • They have received a total hysterectomy for benign indications;
  • They are over 65 years (if the last three previous smears were negative).

The screening process

If you are eligible for cervical cancer screening (see information at the top of this webpage), then you make an appointment via the Call Centre number 800 2033. We will quickly check your eligibility again before we schedule the actual appointment. You can directly book a consultation with a female Family Medicine doctors in the hospital of your choice, you will then receive a confirmation and payment link.

During the consultation the doctor will perform a routine Pap smear test, where the doctor takes a sample of cells from the cervix to check for abnormalities.

You will receive the result of the test within three weeks (15 working days) from the date the Pap smear test was performed. The Family Medicine doctor will call you with the results.

What happens if the Pap smear test finds something?

For all abnormal results the Family Medicine doctor will refer you to see a gynaecologist by booking a consultation as soon as possible.

Frequently asked questions/ More information

What is a Pap smear test?

A Pap smear, also called a Pap test, is a procedure to test for cervical cancer in women. A Pap smear involves collecting cells from your cervix — the lower, narrow end of your uterus that's at the top of your vagina.

How can I prepare for the Pap smear test?

Some tips prior to your test:

  • Try not to schedule a Pap smear test during your menstrual period.
  • Avoid intercourse or using any vaginal medicines or spermicidal foams, creams or jellies for two days before having a Pap smear, as these may wash away or obscure abnormal cells.

How is a Pap smear test performed?

The Pap smear test is performed in your doctor’s office and takes only a few minutes. For this test the doctor will ask you to undress from the waist down.

A speculum made from disposable plastic (or from metal, which should be warmed) will be inserted vaginally to view the squamocolumnar junction of the cervix. This speculum functions to hold the walls of the vagina apart, so the doctor can see the cervix. A soft brush or spatula is used to take samples of your cervical cells. The procedure can be a bit uncomfortable, but a Pap smear test should not hurt.

After the procedure your doctor transfers the cell sample collected from your cervix into a container with a special liquid to preserve the sample, this method is called Liquid-Based Cytology (LBC). This is the chosen method internationally. LBC has significantly reduced numbers of inadequate smears, as the liquid is spun and treated to remove other cells such as pus or blood.

The samples are transferred to our laboratory where they will examine the sample under a microscope to look for characteristics in the cells that indicate cancer or changes indicating precancerous conditions.

Can I do everything after the Pap smear test?

There are no restrictions after the Pap smear test is performed. Most women do not experience side effects, though some might experience light bleeding afterwards.

What are the possible outcomes?

To give an overview of the possible outcomes of the test, we listed the categories below:

Normal results

If only normal cervical cells are discovered, you will be informed that the result of your Pap smear test is ‘negative’. In this case you won't need any further testing until you're due for your next Pap smear test.

Abnormal results

The cervical samples may show:

  • Borderline changes in squamous or endocervical cells. Cells are seen with abnormal nuclei, but the pathologist cannot say for certain that they are indicative of abnormal nucleus (epithelial cells). Many patients revert to normal smears eventually. Very few of these patients go on to develop cancer.
  • Low-grade abnormal nucleus. Again, many women with this finding eventually revert to normal smears. Cancer is very unlikely.
  • High-grade abnormal nucleus (moderate). This usually equates to a pre-cancerous condition with an intermediate probability of developing into cancer.
  • High-grade abnormal nucleus (severe). It is at the higher risk end of the cancer spectrum.
  • Invasive squamous cell cancer. "Squamous cell cancer" refers to cancers arising in the flat surface cells of the vagina or cervix.
  • Glandular neoplasia. Occasionally, abnormalities of glandular cells are seen, suggestive of adenocarcinoma in situ, adenocarcinoma of the cervix, endometrial adenocarcinoma or adenocarcinoma of an organ outside the uterus.

“Adenocarcinoma" refers to cancers presenting in the inner canal of the cervix (glandular cells).

If your Pap smear is abnormal, your doctor may perform a procedure called ‘colposcopy’. For this procedure your doctor will use a special magnifying instrument (colposcope) to examine the tissues of the cervix, vagina and vulva. It is possible that your doctor also may advise to take a biopsy from any areas that appear abnormal. The biopsy tissue will be analysed by the laboratory for a final diagnosis.


This may be because the cervical sample:

  • Was taken but the cervix was not fully visualised.
  • Contains insufficient cells.
  • Contains an obscuring element (for example, lubricant, inflammation or blood).

If this occurs another sample will be requested.

How often do I need a Pap smear test?

The frequency for repeat screening for average risk, symptom free women is:

  • Every three years for women aged 25-29 years.
  • Every five years for women 30-65 years.
  • Annually for women who are immune-compromised due to disease or medication.

What is the difference between a Pap smear test and HPV?

The HPV test detects the presence of the Human Papillomavirus in your system, which causes cervical cancer. The HPV test on itself will not tell you whether you have cancer.

The Pap smear test identifies abnormalities in the cells and can detect cervical cancer.